Current Project: Practically Dead
Current Streak: 1 day
Days writing record: 6 days

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's not a matter of want, it's a NEED...

I have been in a bad mood all day, one of those moods that are completely irrational, everything pisses you off and nothing can calm you down.

Then i started thinking, i realised that i haven't really written anything for close to two weeks. I have to find time tonight when i go to my boyfriends house to sit down and write, maybe while him and his brother play peggle.

There's no want to write right now, there is a need to write...before i lose my temper and screw something up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's inspiration time again...

It seems that i am getting another wave of inspiration, which is excellent! but i need to start writing faster to keep up lol

i just had another new idea for a story, The Mystery of Alyse Standfore. I got it from (accidently) facebook stalking one of my friends friends. She had an interesting face, and it made me wonder who this chick was.

is that weird?

Monday, April 12, 2010

How do you determine your POV?

First Person or Third Person...that is the question.

Are you a first person writer or a third person writer?

Do you prefer one over the other?

Do you only write in one style?

I always considered myself a third person writer, but now that I'm older, and can sort of understand emotion and thought processes a little better I have been swaying towards First Person of late. It might also be that since I started writing more recently, after experiencing what I did last year writing myself into characters so much more intensely now helps get out the feeling, and anger that have hung around since last year.

This morning when i started Jail Bird i started in a First person, then crossed out the paragraph and re-wrote in Third Person...have you ever done that? Can one convey feelings as strongly in Third person as they can in First person?


Update: switched back to first again lol

I have found a second wind!

Ok so I have been slack. I haven't written since i last posted, but i just got an idea. I don't know if will ever be considered a real story, but it's what's on my mind right this second and I'm actually writing it for work.

Yes, my work ethic just dropped another couple of notches lol.

Regardless, I'm writing and i feel better. Yeay!!!

On another note, a character in Finding Ashleigh is named "Tish"...but I can't think of the real name for her...just Tish...what is the expanded name for the nickname Tish?

Not Patricia
and not Mortisha (i actually was considering it as a sick joke, and to reference The Adams family throughout the story...but im not going to now lol)

Any ideas?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm back on the shell!

With a new story idea too!

I have a thing with talking to myself, and once again I have talked myself into getting back up on the shell and plodding along. I had an entire conversation in the bathroom with the mirror thinking about how exciting it would be to be able to tell someone about the exhilarating feeling one gets when finishing something. Then I thought about finishing a novel, maybe two, three, four..the whole 20? And it got me so excited that at 11 o'clock at on Saturday night I just had to pick up my pen and paper after the little pep talk.

What did I write? Finding Ashleigh. A new novel idea based on a recurring dream I've been having since I was fifteen.

I also got around to typing up what I have already written! Awesome! So that is something I can check off the lists.

And for those of you playing along, my writing feat on Saturday? 1249 words. Boo-yeah!