Current Project: Practically Dead
Current Streak: 1 day
Days writing record: 6 days

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Got a bit more done!

Well not much really, another paragraph of TQD

Its funny, i know what i want to write in the second chapter, but its hard getting there in the first...i need to pad it out a little some how without seeming to pad it out.

I was thinking of reminiscing so i might try that when i sit down to this piece again.

im still reeling over the awesome summary i wrote for it...not being up myself of course hehe...awesome meaning long, and written...not excellent writing lol.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grammar Help

No one has perfect grammar, not even the Queen, and she speaks the Queens English (look, i made a funny!)

And i found heaps of great hubpages to help me - and you if you want - to not look like an idiot when i write.


Punctuation, don't you just love it?

Well, there are ways of screwing it up royally, so here are some things to help ease the punctuation pain.
You guys probably won't need alot of it, but I do at times :)


Editing *shudders* I like to think im good at it, but in actuality, im not.

Editing to me is hitting the spell checker in word. So here is where im going to put tips and pages i come across that help with editing.

Editing Tips:
  • Anything that isn't essential to either character development or plot progress isn't needed.
Editing Pages:

Now when it comes to the big E i will hopefully have a bit more help :)

I did something again!!!

Wow this week has been awesome!

This morning i wrote out a full summary for TQD!!! Four pages long in a bout half an hour and my writing wasnt that big.

then i wrote about half of the first chapter!

im so happy right now!

i will type up the smmary as soon as!

i have cousins coming over in an hour though so im not too sure if anything else will get done today...but four whole pages!!!


Friday, February 19, 2010

I did something!!!!

I started on the first chapter of TQD yesterday! My creative juices are currently flowing when it comes to this story and i have found my perfect comfort once again in a pen and paper.

All these years I've been trying to sit down at a computer screen to "save time" and "minimise errors" when in actual fact it has been and still is a complete waste of time. Computers are too distracting, for me, as soon i get on the computer, check the blog, check facebook, check email, stuff around on facebook for an hour, another hour on the blog, inevitably someone will start talking to me on msn which is another distraction.

Last week i ended up reading about Megan Fox's clubbed thumb.

But since I've started writing properly again at the start of the year, i've achieved more than in the last five years. And the last time i wrote so much was when i was first at tech and i would get bored in class and write poetry instead.

I force myself to review straight onto the screen, but writing, i just can't anymore. There was a time when i could but it just wont happen now. So now i keep a pad of paper in my car, my tech bag, at work and at home. And its working wonderfully...

So do you guys find paper and pen/pencil easier or the computer? What distracts you most?

Finishing a first draft here i come!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Story Idea - #18

We're up to 18 ideas now!

I was looking at a book that someone gave me for christmas. Not actually reading, just thinking about it and i suddenly thought of persephone. The greek chick that got stolen by hades...well ill have to read up properly on the details of the myth...but i remember most of it from a book i read years ago..

Anyway, ive had an idea about incorporating it into a story...yeay me!

So i suppose that the book is working, yeay! And i didnt even have to read it yet.

The book is about Myths and folklore from all over the world. I like history :)

I wrote my first ever prologue!!!

I wrote my first ever prologue last night.

For the Queens Dresses...i started writing and it went differently than what i was originally aiming for...its like a letter to the readers and it turned out great! Hopefully i will get the first chapter done soon..yeay!!!

TQD is currently taking up my brainspace so it will be taking priority for the moment :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lazy as again...

After being so excited last week about my excellent work at tech...i didnt do a damn thing all week.

I did write a heap of reviews which i have been falling behind on, but nothing on the novel front.

in other news:

For the first real time in about 10 years a member of my family has taken an interest in exactly what im writing...but i think she thinks im writing the true details of the last six months of my life...not the covered over and protecting identity a couple of embellished and down toned details - play up the feelings, down play the boringness of my life.

im not too sure what she expects of my be perfectly honest i hope that my immediate family (not including my brother and cousin) dont read that particular story because they will know things that ive never told them.

im so used to them not knowing what im writing or not caring that its a little odd to be explaining some of the stories to them...seeing as especially my nan, who has always held some interest of my work, doesnt really have a taste for ghouls and vampires and assassins....

and im not even going to tell them about "The Queens Dresses"...that would be the most awkward conversation in the world to have with your mum i think...

what about you guys?

do you have someone who knows the details of what you're writing, what if its something out there like sexually explicit romance novels...i suppose it might be different for people who arent 18 and whose mums probably wouldnt chuck a fit if they knew you knew what sex was but it hard to talk about?

i suppose my writing has always been my escape, like my reading - the content, the subjects, the characters have always been my one around me knows what i read or to be asked is kind of odd for me, especially in person...obviously i can tell you guys :)

yeah so that little ramble went on longer than expected but anyway :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Toned down the absurdity

Okie dokie, if anyone will remember the worry i had about the absurd idea, its all good! Guide Me is back on track and because of a turning point in my life - like literally, new outlook and stuff...happened on Sunday - its all good, no more absurdities, and ive thought of the ending and the epilogue!


Tech is going to be great this year!!!

Last night i got to tech at 5.30pm...class didn't start until 6 so after eating and finding my way to my room i had 15 minutes spare! I wrote two scenes for Guide Me

Yeay!!! so happy. I might even try for a chapter of Practically Dead tonight yeay!!!

It's going to work, in some weird and wacky way everything will come together!

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Schedule

Okie dokie...thought i was full before...

I need help to work out how to fit my writing in around my schedule

1. Full time job - 7.30 - 5.00
2. Tech - 5.00 - 9.00
3. Gym - 9.00 - 10/10.30

This is my typical day starting tomorrow...

I added in how long it takes including travel...

Full time job...obviously necessary
Tech...a definite until the end of next year at least
Gym...its a must, not im a gym junkie, but if i dont my temper flares and i lose control (yes, im crazy its ok)

Reading i can fit into places...but writing, i need a bit of help...

i dont have tech on Mondays Fridays or weekends

I actually wrote this this morning and Corras comment on my last post made me want to post it :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I just had a thought...scary i know

I just had a thought, a horrible one really. Tech is starting again next week - dum, dum, dum - so inevitably the blogs will suffer. it's good in a way that i do a fair bit of fiddling at now...but what about next week?

A full time job and tech and reading and writing and blogging...will there be enough time?

I will need to work out a system (well, duh)...i've thought about the reading, a couple of chapters before class should be enough to get through a proper amount of books, maybe i could write after class while im waiting for my dad to pick me up theres a good 10 minutes it possible to do it when i get home? 11pm posts...hmmm...

ill still read in my lunch hour...can't do much else really.

looks like i will be doing a hell of a lot more on the weekends...

I just dont want my writing to suffer like it did last more excuses remember?

hopefully it will all come together...any suggestions though would help

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This blog is working!!!!

I wanted to post today but i didnt really think i would write, but i didnt want to post that i hadnt done anything so i did something!!!

I typed up and greatly expanded on the Practically Dead Outline!

I think i might do a summary tonight as well and ill be writing chapters soon!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I had a new idea today!

It will be affectionately know as "Reborn" no idea what genre yet and I have yet to flesh everything out, but i have an outline i want to write down. It's a pretty stupid idea, but we'll see where it goes.


I finished two Outlines yesterday!

Once I start writing them down I can't stop! It's excellent I got lost in my own little world for about half an hour yesterday and I was really proud of the outcome.

Pity the rest of the day didn't go so well...