But I have been writing! My current wordcount stands at approx. 15,000. Which I reckon is awesome. I am starting to move into the guts of the story and it's becoming more interesting for me to write. The setup is finished, the premise is done and now I get to kill my character off and make her a vampire :D
Now for day 13 15,000 words is behind schedule. I should be hovering around 21,000.
6,000 words in a day? Well, for that I am going to need bribery!
In this packet there are 12 squares. That's one square for every 500 words but who likes the number 500 in Nanowrimo, so I am going to get one square for every 750 words. That means I will be able to eat as I go and not get bored trying to up word count for chocolate.
This way I have a slim chance of getting ahead!
Wish me luck!
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